A Hulu Clone
A clone of the very popular streaming service, Hulu. This one doesn’t play movies, however, but does something a little different.
Wildfire Tracker - React App
Here’s a React app that uses API keys to fetch data from NASA and Google Maps. This is a tutorial that I followed from Traversary Media. I wanted to learn how to use API keys and React, as well.
Basic Calculator
There’s something so satisfying about a functioning build-it-yourself calculator that leaves you scratching your head and saying, “How can number and code DO that!”. And just for a little extra fun this one has a moving gradient background that changes between several colors.
Beats: Music Blog
A concept for a website called Beats. A place to review music and music artists.
Super Review: Media Reviews
My concept for a site called Super Review. It’s all about reviewing video games and other creative media.